
👋 Hi! I'm Kara and I can't help being myself.

Walking through the world as yourself is no joke. It takes courage, self-awareness, and lots of practice. Inbox Shindig is here to guide you and make you feel less alone with relatable stories, small shifts, and ideas + inspiration so you can start showing up as your most true self.

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💖 it's been a hard week

Hey Reader! In a twist of events, for the first time in maybe ever, I actually had an email scheduled ahead of time to go out. 🤪 And then the past week and a half happened. Suddenly, talking about how much my joy levels have increased because of my recent digital organization spree felt trite, irrelevant, and grossly inappropriate. There’s been so much pain, grief, terror, and heartache to process that it has felt irresponsible to do anything other than bear witness, mourn, and try to...

Hey Reader! This past weekend, Chris and I went to a farm dinner with a couple of our besties, which was ridiculously fun and over-the-top. Basically, you show up to a farm where they serve you (literal) farm-fresh drinks while the farmer gives you a tour of where your dinner is coming from. Then a chef makes a ridiculously delish dinner while you sit at a table, chatting with 40 other guests. It's totally bougie-y and kind of ridiculous (what do you wear to dinner in a field?), but was a...

Hey Reader! I feel like all I’ve been doing is walking around and saying how fast this summer has gone by. But, it has!⁣ And I’ve been feeling guilty because we “haven’t done enough”, never mind the various trips, pool days, Uno matches and play dates with friends. ⁣ My brain keeps going back to the fact we haven’t checked off everything on our Summer List.⁣ ⁣What’s that? ⁣ ⁣Well, every season, the kids and I make a list of what we want to be sure to fit in. Some of them are bigger - see...

Hey Reader! Listen, I am nothing if not predictable. I never want to do ANYTHING. Every time before we travel, I get all moan-y and think, "Why am I doing this? What I SHOULD be doing is sitting on my couch and watching TV and ordering Thai while revising my to do list because I have SO MUCH TO DO and leaving will only make it worse and I'll probably have a terrible time and spend it wishing I was deep cleaning my fridge and running errands." And then 15 minutes into my vacation, I'm like,...

Hey Reader! Omg, every year I completely forget (or willfully forget?) how totally, completely crazy pants May is. Like the Holderness Family says: It's December, but without the cookies to get you through. 😂 I mean I'm not going to go into all of the things I accomplished last month, but if I did you'd be totally blown away. We're talking things like selling a house and getting ready for a month long trip while doing all of the graduations, end of year events, birthday parties (3, thank you...

Hey Reader! You know what my favorite day of the year is? My birthday. 🎉 I KNOW! I realize I sound like a 7 year old, wanting everyone to celebrate my birthday, but here's the thing: These people need reminders. 😬 My family loves me, of course. They appreciate the laundry, listening sessions, and last minute computer drop offs at school. And they are actually very good about telling me. But that isn't the same as celebrating me. Appreciating me is acknowledging what I do for them; celebrating...

Hi Reader! When my kids were little, I would daydream about getting hit by a car. Not actually hit where I got hurt or anything bad happened. I just wanted to get lightly bumped, enough that the hospital would need to keep me overnight for observation and I could sleep, watch TV, and have someone else take care of me for a bit. This is, perhaps, not the best way to get a break? 😂 And I am not the only one, not by a long shot. When I first mumbled this story to a friend, she practically bowled...

Hey Reader! I'm a pretty social gal - I'm on a soccer team, the PTA, I love a good Mom's Night, especially when they involve Brad Pitt (in movies, not the flesh, unfortunately). But when it comes to my work life, I'm a lone wolf. And there's not a good reason. Ten years ago, I was part of the most epic Mastermind in all of San Francisco where I met two of my life-long besties so you'd think I'd be looking for more of that, but no. I like to keep my head down, off the Facebook groups and zoom...

Hey Reader! You know how everyone on Instagram has a "word of the year"? Well, mine this year is "try." I get it. It's not sexy like "abundance" or meaningful like "connection", but sometimes ya gotta get down to nuts and bolts. (Is that the saying? Or is it brass tacks? Nail gun and wood glue? All tool things sound the same to me.) Whatever! I needed to get out of my own way and quit getting caught up in perfectionism so TRY it is. Because starting a business is a flippin', hot mess. It...

Hi Reader! No one ever believes me when I tell them this, but I used to be painfully shy. Like the kind of person you'd avoid at a party because I was so awkward to talk to because I could never figure out what to say. I would stress out for weeks about upcoming parties and events, worried about what to wear, what I would say, who I would stand with. I would go to networking events, lurk around the edges for a bit, and then leave, full of shame, because I hadn't spoken to one single person....