
👋 Hi! I'm Kara and I can't help being myself.

It's gotta be one of the worst photos I've ever posted

Published about 1 year ago • 5 min read

Hey Reader!

You know how everyone on Instagram has a "word of the year"? Well, mine this year is "try."

I get it. It's not sexy like "abundance" or meaningful like "connection", but sometimes ya gotta get down to nuts and bolts. (Is that the saying? Or is it brass tacks? Nail gun and wood glue? All tool things sound the same to me.)

Whatever! I needed to get out of my own way and quit getting caught up in perfectionism so TRY it is.

Because starting a business is a flippin', hot mess.

It requires doing things before you're ready, throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, showing up and being visible and making mistakes, saying you're doing one thing ("I've finally figured this out!") only to realize next week you were totally wrong and you're doing something else.

It's an ego-buster that takes you down and then asks if you'd like another.

As a recovering perfectionist, my tendency was to try and figure it all out beforehand. That way I wouldn't bother anyone or look silly or make a mistake.

It also meant that I stayed stuck.

So, this year I decided to just try stuff.

To act on ideas as they came to me, instead of vetting them with everyone from my husband to the mailman. To throw stuff up there without mulling it over for weeks. To learn on the go instead of feeling like I had to read every book and take every class before I can dip my toe in.

And it's been good in a lot of ways!

I've started coaching again (sign up here for a free 30 minute chat), I started writing again, I have a couple of classes I'm launching next month, I have a podcast ready to go.

And there have been some misses.

I still can't figure out what to do with my content class, this email newsletter has been an inconsistent mess, my social media has been all over the place as I try new things.

But, I am trying!

I'm letting myself be messy and problematic and un-knowing, even though it feels embarrassing and too visible at times.

Want an example?

Well, a couple of weeks ago, I told you I had FIGURED OUT THE NEWSLETTER. Hooray! It was going to be all about one shift a week, blah, blah.

Well, I tried it and it didn't work.

I don't want to make you feel like you have to do anything or put more pressure on you when you're already doing so much. I hate the idea of showing up in your inbox and offering directives (unless it's to watch "Party Down" then DO IT, OKAY?).

Instead, this is going to be all fun and inspiration 🎉!

I'm bringing back "Five Fun Things" and I'm going to write each week about showing up in your life as your genuine, imperfect self. And we'll see how it goes!

I reserve the right to try and then shift and be kind of a mess about it, but also I promise to do my best. (New life mantra? 😂)

Thank you for being here and sticking with me as I try new things.

xx. Kara

PS: Are you trying anything new? Email me back and let me know as I'd love to support you!!

😎 Your "Feel Better" of the Week

This was my first Instagram post:

If the composition of the dirty cement with the weird angle of my legs didn't make you hit the follow button, all I can say is, "DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND ART?!?!??". 😂

Here's to starting somewhere... ❤️

Whaddya think of the new newsletter format?

Let me know below!

I think you're absolutely marvelous! 💖

Have the best weekend!

xx. Kara

👋 Hi! I'm Kara and I can't help being myself.

And, let me tell you I've tried... 😬

Walking through the world as yourself is no joke. It takes courage, self-awareness, and lots of practice. Inbox Shindig is here to guide you and make you feel less alone with relatable stories, small shifts, and ideas + inspiration so you can start showing up as your most true self.

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