
๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi! I'm Kara and I can't help being myself.

๐Ÿฌ And then she swam with the damn dolphins

Published 10 months agoย โ€ขย 4 min read

Hey Reader!

Listen, I am nothing if not predictable.

I never want to do ANYTHING.

Every time before we travel, I get all moan-y and think, "Why am I doing this? What I SHOULD be doing is sitting on my couch and watching TV and ordering Thai while revising my to do list because I have SO MUCH TO DO and leaving will only make it worse and I'll probably have a terrible time and spend it wishing I was deep cleaning my fridge and running errands."

And then 15 minutes into my vacation, I'm like, "We should definitely move here and NEVER GO BACK!"

I also do the same thing with anything that takes me the slightest out of my comfort zone, like, I don't know, SWIMMING WITH DOLPHINS IN THE OPEN OCEAN.

Damn magical dolphins.

I was staying with my extended family at this absolutely incredible location, overlooking this gorgeous beach, and everybody was getting all excited because dolphins kept swimming by and playing about 50 feet out.


I took a peek from our balcony, far away from the treacherous waters, thinking it was a real opportunity to see them in their natural habitat and what a great story.

Then my daughter decided to up the ante and get in on the action and paddle boarded out into the middle of them with her uncle, which highlights one of my biggest problems with kids: They do the stuff you wish you were brave enough to do and then encourage you to do it.

Damn inspiring kids.

As soon as I saw her eyes light up, I knew I was going out to hang with the dolphs, regardless of what my sensible side had to say.

Which was a lot.

Because there is a reason I have a highly developed sense of fear - SHIT IS SCARY.

And my body and brain don't work together that well.

Like I once brought a cup of water to a guy whose car was on fire. Instead of, oh, I don't know, the FIRE EXTINGUISHER that was sitting about two feet away.

You don't want me on your team in the Apocalypse.

So, my brain was on high alert, pretty sure that as someone who'd never paddle boarded in the ocean, much less surrounded by wild creatures who could bump said board, it was a VERY BAD IDEA.

I didn't listen.

Because, while I appreciate the excellent care my sensible side takes of me, it's often wrong.

If I only listened to it, I wouldn't have gone on the blind date where I met my husband, or moved across the country for no good reason, or started a business, or traveled abroad by myself, or even tried a different Thai restaurant that turned out to be much better than the one we'd been eating at for years.

And I sure wouldn't have braved the waves to find myself surrounded by thirty or so dolphins in the middle of the ocean, in what can only be described as one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.

Reader, there were dolphins surrounding my board, playing, coming close enough for me to touch them.

I felt so vulnerable, and connected, and part of something so much bigger than myself, and I risked missing it because I like to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground.

But, I didn't.

And that's the real moral of the story.

It's totally fine that I never want to do anything.

It's fine that I'm scared.

It's fine that I need others to encourage me to take the leap and even do it first to show me I'm not going to die.

Because in the end, I got in there and did the thing.

Now, I don't think this is true for everything.

I know I will never sky dive, or swim with sharks, or even go down that really terrifying slide at Water World because there's not any part of me that feels like I'm missing out.

But, when there is that voice, that nudge, that tells us we might regret skipping this one? That's when we gotta listen and move through our fear.

Dipping our toes into the unknown is unsettling and scary. And I also know: You can absolutely handle it.

Let's go swim with the dolphins this summer, k?

xx. Kara

PS: If you need some support moving through your fear, I have three coaching spots open for this summer! Go here to sign up for a free chat.


Wait, is that an AMBULANCE?!?

Oh yes, my friend. Turns out when you're three kilometers from civilization they send an ambulance for your SPRAINED ANKLE. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

For someone who doesn't like to put people out, this was perhaps one of the most embarrassing things that could happen. Oh, and did I mention it was just a SPRAINED ANKLE?

Yet, everyone was lovely.

I survived.

And I'm so very happy that it wasn't a bit farther down where they would have had to send a HELICOPTER, which might have been the end of me.


๐ŸŽ‰ It's time for 5! Fun! Things!

๐Ÿฅฐ If you have a wrinkle on your face, you need to be following The Middle Aged Goddess. Jane is gorgeous, real, and a daily reminder that aging is a beautiful, healthy gift.

๐Ÿšฐ These sinks! When we were building our house I was adamant the only thing I wanted was one of these sinks. (That is a total lie. I wanted like 500 things, but a colorful, cement sink was high on the list.ย ๐Ÿ˜‚) They have a new lilac version that is swoon-worthy.

๐Ÿ‘‘ My bestie gave me these earrings from an Australian designer and are made from recyclable materials, are super affordable, and some of my lightest earrings! (Also, love these tigers...)

๐Ÿ“บ I wasn't going to include this one because it's kind of silly, but here we go: I'm obsessed with Bluey. Yes, the cartoon aimed at the under 5s. My kids have been watching it non-stop and it's so sweet, and funny, and nails what family feels like. (Also, it's weirdly made me a better parent...)

๐Ÿ“š My daughter stumbled on this Australian detective series (Amazon / Bookshop) and has been tearing through them. She says they are perfect for the pre-teen in your life that likes suspense, but not anything too scary.

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๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi! I'm Kara and I can't help being myself.

And, let me tell you I've tried... ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Walking through the world as yourself is no joke. It takes courage, self-awareness, and lots of practice. Inbox Shindig is here to guide you and make you feel less alone with relatable stories, small shifts, and ideas + inspiration so you can start showing up as your most true self.

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