
πŸ‘‹ Hi! I'm Kara and I can't help being myself.

😬 I'd avoided this sort of thing at all costs

Published about 1 year agoΒ β€’Β 5 min read

Hey Reader!

I'm a pretty social gal - I'm on a soccer team, the PTA, I love a good Mom's Night, especially when they involve Brad Pitt (in movies, not the flesh, unfortunately).

But when it comes to my work life, I'm a lone wolf.

And there's not a good reason. Ten years ago, I was part of the most epic Mastermind in all of San Francisco where I met two of my life-long besties so you'd think I'd be looking for more of that, but no.

I like to keep my head down, off the Facebook groups and zoom calls, and write in my own little corner of the internet.

So, it's really weird that I somehow ended up in this Mastermind with six other gals, who are in constant communication, texts flying all hours of the night.

And, listen, I tried to not get involved!

I joined the group and then ghosted it for a summer. I did my usual jokey, deflection thing where I act like things don't matter by minimizing them with humor (is my therapy showing? πŸ˜‚). I showed up and taught so I didn't have to admit what I didn't know.

But, they were so lovely and helpful and supportive that I eventually caved.

I told them how scared I was to launch and they made me put my content course out there. I told them I didn't want to do the content anymore and they cheered me on as I changed course. They met with me solo and in groups, helping me work through fear, messaging, and, heaven help me, SEO.

I'm not sure I would still be working on this if it wasn't for them.

Looking back, I can see I was terrified of being vulnerable. Admitting you don't know what you're doing, that it's not going well, letting people see behind the curtain, is the ultimate act of faith.

You are opening yourself up and saying, "There's a chance I'm such a hot mess, you're going to run away."

These gals got out the buckets and sponges and said, "Let's clean this up together."

I'm still not looking to participate in a bunch of Facebook groups, but the X Women (yes, we have a name, yet another reason they're my peeps) have showed me that we need people who get what we're doing.

People who won't fall asleep, face first into their pasta, when we start droning on about landing pages, conversion rates, and metrics. People who will push us to be accountable to our best selves.

And one of the X Women (Xers?) has taken the ultimate leap and written a book! Yes, a hold-it-in-your-hands book that you can order off of Amazon.

It's called the "Positive Money: 7 Principles of Living a Rich Life, No Matter What's in Your Bank Account" and if you are working on your money mindset, sick of the money worries, ready to live a rich life, BUY IT.

Cindy is such an amazing teacher (kind, insightful) and you get a free masterclass that goes deeper into her money principles with your purchase.

I feel kind of like a proud mama hen whose chick has learned to fly, which is weird because chickens don't actually fly, but, whatever, NO MORE LONE WOLF HERE, SUCKAS.

What about you? Is there a place you could open up a bit and be more vulnerable for more connection? I'm always here if you want to reply back and share!

xx. Kara

😎 Your "Feel Better" of the Week

I posted this on Instagram earlier, but notice those charming long underwear? Yeah, they're see-through. Like very, very see-through, which I realized AFTER I'd paraded through the lodge multiple times.

Showing your literal undies, apparently, won't kill you, so file that under: Good to Know.

You into this new newsletter format?

Let me know below!

Thanks for being here! πŸ’–

xx. Kara

πŸ‘‹ Hi! I'm Kara and I can't help being myself.

And, let me tell you I've tried... 😬

Walking through the world as yourself is no joke. It takes courage, self-awareness, and lots of practice. Inbox Shindig is here to guide you and make you feel less alone with relatable stories, small shifts, and ideas + inspiration so you can start showing up as your most true self.

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